Thursday, March 3, 2011

Recent Activity

It's time to be honest with myself and all of you readers when I say that it's clear I won't update this every day. I'm sorry! Now that I got that over with, let's chat.

Sam and I have been filling the past week with work and let me tell ya, I didn't miss waiting tables. Yeah, yeah, I get it, you make money, but some days I think I'd rather be broke than work. (I know can only say that because I'm not broke..yet). But in all honesty, the job isn't that bad and the people that we work with are all super cool. I would actually recommend getting a job, at least for a while, when people study abroad because it's a great place to meet people and get to know the culture a lot better. The other night when we were working I met a man that used to be a professor at A&M! I was so excited! We chatted about College Station for a bit too long because, go figure, I got in trouble for talking too much. I've gotten used to that though, considering I've been yelled at for over-talking since I was in kindergarten. Oh well, what're ya gonna do?

OH! In other news, today I....drumroll......FINALLY UNPACKED! Yep, you read that right! I have actually been living out of a suitcase for almost two months. Really, none of you should be surprised, so wipe that look off your face.

AND I received confirmation that I'm going to Namibia for spring break! "Excited" doesn't do my feelings justice. We're driving to Namibia, the country just north of South Africa, and canoeing and camping along the Orange River for a full week. It's supposed to be an amazing time and I really can't wait to take a ton of pictures to show you guys! Some more vacation news: I might live in Nantucket with Sami this summer! It's a big, fat might..but hey, it's better than a no, right? I love Nantucket SO much and Sami lived there last summer and said it's a blast, so here's to hoping!

Other than the new job and the plans for Namibia, life has been pretty relaxing on this side of the equator. I've got to say I'm pretty glad I'm not in College Station going through the round of tests that all of my friends are right now. I realize that the Medical Science library probably misses the heck out of me, but the feeling is not mutual.

Speaking of tests, I actually had a really lucky break with one today. So I may or may not have forgotten about my film class last week (honest mistake) but apparently she told everyone that there would be a test this week. Well, I obviously missed out on this little tidbit of information so today when I showed up to class and everyone was reading over notes like crazy people I started to get a bit worried. After realizing that I was about to brutally fail an exam I decided to channel the man, the myth, the legend, Bob Marley and "not worry about a thing." Really though, what was I supposed to do about it? So I was sitting there coming to terms with my fate when two extremely weird things happened. First, a girl in my class puked. Yeah. I wanted to die. I actually considered throwing myself out of the window but quickly realized that there weren't any in the room (guess I should go to class more). After her little "situation" got dealt with the teacher came in and threw out the second weird event of the day. She asked if we wanted to take the test. HA! The 12th Man was probably rolling over in his grave. That would never, and I mean NEVER, happen at A&M. If anything, you would show up to a test that was supposed to be 20 questions and they'd throw in an extra 30 and two essays for good measure. I was obviously the first person to speak up (refer to previous paragraph about talking too much) and quite loudly proclaimed "HECK NO WE DON'T!" Just kidding, I would never say that, but I did say "no" and she actually listened.

I guess speaking up does do some good! (I'm lookin' at you, first grade teacher).

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